Last week Hereford United chairman David Keyte announced the re-launch of The Back The Bulls Lottery. For anyone who would like to be involved please print off the following Mandate form and send/take to your bank or the club office.
Registered Office:
Edgar Street Athletic Ground
Hereford HR4 9JU
Telephone: 08442 761939
Fax: 08442 761982
VAT No. 133 7291 75
Registered in England No. 355272
Please fill in the mandate form below and hand it into your bank. Or alternatively hand it into the Hereford United Club Office and we will deliver to your bank on your behalf.
Standing Order Mandate
To: …………………………………………………………………..Bank/Plc
Address: ……………………………………………………………………………..
Post Code: ……………………………..
Please pay:
Nat West, Broad Street, Hereford. for the credit of the Hereford United Football Fund.
Sort Code 53-50-41 Account Number 10313133
The sum of £ __________ per month commencing on (date) ……………/………/………..
5 10 15 20 50 100 Any other amount £
please circle selected sum to confirm sum.
Name of Account to be debited:
Account Name: _______________________________________
Sort Code: _________________ Account Number: __________________________
Account Address: ………………………………………………………………………
Signature of Account Holder: ………………………………………………………………………
Date: ……………………………………………
Registered with Hereford City Council No.588
The “Back the Bulls” Lottery Rules of Entry
Lottery entrants can submit an amount of your own choosing to the “Back The Bulls” Lottery once a month by completing a Standing Order mandate form and presenting it to your bank.
For every £1 donated you will receive 1 entry into the monthly draw to take place on the 28th day of each month. (i.e. £20 = 20 entries, £5 = 5 entries). Minimum entry by Standing Order is £5 per month.
Existing players’ current Standing Order details will stand, unless the Club is notified to the contrary.
The monthly draw will be made by a person independent to the club.
The minimum monthly First Prize will be £200 with second and third prizes of £20 and £5, respectively. These prizes can be increased if greater than anticipated support to this scheme is achieved.
A separate bank account has been specifically set up for the purpose.
Winners will be announced over the tannoy at the next home game, in the match programme and on the official website.
NB. If you require notification of a win personally (by phone or letter) then please make these details available to the club by e-mail to or post.