John Trewick was delighted with this afternoon's win against Chester.
"It's another three points for us. Six points from three matches. I think we would have settled for that before a ball was kicked," the Hereford United coach told BBC Hereford and Worcester.
"In a way we didn't really play well in the first half but Chester are a very physical side, a very hard side to play against - we knew what they would be about.
"But credit to the players, they really battled hard and in the end they earned the right in the second half to get the ball down and start passing it the way we want to.
"We're all delighted."
Keith Hall who reported on the game said that Mark Wright, the Chester manager, was crictical of his central defenders. He felt Fleetwood shouldn't have been able to get through for either goal.
"I'm pleased to hear that," said Trewick. "That means we've been doing our job correctly."
Tamika Mkandawire wasn't risked today on doctors orders after his collision last Tuesday against Lincoln, but Trewick was hopeful he would play next Saturday against Barnet.
Meanwhile former Hereford United player Winston White was back on the pitch this afternoon. He was holding a microphone to gauge how loud the Meadow End cheered as the Bulls took to the field at the start of the game. All part of a League promotion to see which club has the loudest supporters.
Finally it looks as though the Len Weston stand has been taken over. Floors-2-Go have their adverts all along the top of the stand. The Len Weston name was no-where to be seen.
The name may be covered up but it won't be forgotten.