With snow currently (8pm) falling at Chester City's ground, it appears almost certain that tomorrow's game will be called off.
This was posted about twenty minutes ago on the Official Chester City website.
We are able to advise that a pitch inspection will now occur at 8.45am tomorrow morning.
Snow clearing operation
Rob (Grey - Chester's general manager) has also asked that those fans who have already volunteered to assist in the snow clearing operation be thanked.
However, we now believe that the task will be to big, given these heavier and fresh snow falls in Chester this evening.
As a result we are no longer requesting the assistance.
Whilst the game has not yet been officially called off, it is fair to say that it is in jeopardy given the worse than expected adverse weather.
Lee Probert, the referee, has already looked at the pitch and was due to have another look in the morning. That 'look' is now an official pitch inspection.
Given the atrocious road conditions in Herefordshire and surrounding counties this evening, the news that the game is almost certain to be called off will be greeted with relief by those of us who had hoped to travel to Chester tomorrow.
The fixture is expected to be played on a Tuesday evening later in the season.