Monday, September 03, 2007

A Comment on the Watson Ban

Bullwhip, a loyal Hereford United supporter, argues for an amicable solution to the Watson Ban.

I refer to the 'Matin Watson ban' and it's current fallout.

Balance is exactly what I would call for right now. There have been claims and counter claims. There have been implied accusations and counter reactions. GT has come to the defence of his staff, he would argue. MW would argue that he, as was once famously quoted, 'was on holiday at the time' of the offending forum post.

It seems to me that both parties have implied an admission to some mistake. GT has admitted to 'shooting from the hip' when informing MW of the ban and MW has admitted, (however unfair it seems given that the problem comments were made by another) that in his official position as moderator and following previous warnings, he does recognise some responsibility for the erroneous postings in moderating of the old forum.

The problem is that it is widely regarded that the punishment does not fit the 'crime', so to speak. I would hazard a guess that GT now knows this is the case too, and again his comments have alluded to this by inviting others to 'suggest alternative solutions' as he felt he did not have one. He has also offered to meet with forum fans with genuine criticism face to face (which may have inadvertently become a distraction to the real issue regarding the MW ban). For MW’s part he has made the gesture of taking the Unofficial Forum off-line.

There is a lot of pride and principle involved on both sides it seems. However, there has been something resembling an olive branch offered by both parties I believe.

On the new forum, Bulls Banter, I suggested a way forward was to recognise the posturing that has taken place, take this a step further, and formalise this into an amicable solution for both parties. Let's not wait for the forum meeting – this is not a likely atmosphere for clear thinking or resolution, with the likelihood of numerous random opinions covering a multitude of subjects. These two parties should meet or at least make direct contact NOW. This requires bravery from both.

My concern is that there is stubbornness on both sides and no-one wishes to make the next move. As GT has asked for alternative solutions, I would suggest that MW should provide this. I would call on MW to please apologise to all concerned publicly and privately regarding the offensive comments that slipped by unnoticed. I have heard acceptance of responsibility, but no official recognisable apology to date – please accept mine if I have missed it. Even if this has already taken place, it would still be relevant to summarise the state of affairs by starting with this. Also, then suggest discussion with GT to assess the Unofficial Forum continuing but only with acceptable adequate numbers to effect moderation ongoing (clarifying exactly who these people will be - which may or may not include MW). You may even suggest a policy which would dictate that the forum would be taken off-line at times when a moderating watch would not be possible. In return, GT please drop the ban on MW and apologise that you felt this action was required, but now that you have been presented with an acceptable alternative solution, we can all move on.

My stance is one of would be mediator, and I would like a resolution to take place between the parties involved - For the sake of our beloved club and the current team who require and deserve everyone's full support and energy. Is it not time for this very damaging (not so)merry-go-round to stop turning? – it just needs someone brave enough to put their hand in to stop it!

Surely, it can't be that simple!? Yes, … I believe it can be.