Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Mixed Messages from Edgar Street

Two weeks ago Hereford United manager Graham Turner tried to draw a line under the pub incident involving several players in Hereford's Commercial Road.

"We've got to the bottom of it. We have taken the necessary action. I sometimes think when it has attracted the sort of publicity it has done we now close ranks. We battern down the hatches. We make sure we are in it together. The people who have instigated any problems for the club have been told and any disciplinary action necessary has been taken," said Turner

"I feel now we need to just close the case, battern down the hatches and get back to work."

In general Turner's request was followed. Whilst, six days later, the Hereford Journal did list four players who are now banned from various pubs in Hereford, other media steered clear of the incident.

So it was very surprising that last Saturday that whilst Keith Hall was interviewing Hereford United's Ben Smith for BBC Hereford and Worcester the conversation turned to the booing of Clint Easton by some sections of the crowd when Easton came on as a sub late in the game against Hartlepool.

"I'm personally really disappointed with that (the reception given to Easton) because I'd like to know if people actually know what they are booing about," said Smith.

"There was obviously an incident a couple of weeks ago but I think it's a lot of gossip and a lot of heresay and how much truth people actually know I'm not so sure.

"May be it was a little bit of poor judgement by the lads but nothing they deserved to get given that reception for."

And in tomorrow's Hereford Times on-loan winger Lionel Ainsworth also mentions the incident.

"I am hoping there will be a line drawn under it now," said Ainsworth.

"Sometimes things happen and footballers are human and no different to anyone else. The focus needs to be keeping the club in League 1 and then trying to remain in this division for a few years."

Whatever the rights or wrongs of the pub incident, it seems Turner's request to move on was not heeded by the two players. On the one hand Smith and Ainsworth may feel that Easton has been unfairly singled out and they wished to back him. On the other hand by speaking out they have kept the subject on the agenda when Turner wanted to close the case.