Thursday, December 04, 2008

Time to close ranks says Turner

Graham Turner has spoken about last week's events in Commercial Street involving several Hereford United players.

"A week ago today I think it happened. One of the players was celebrating his birthday. A group of them went out together," Turner told the Official Website.

"I've tried to make as many enquiries as I possibly could. We've had discussions with the players on two occassions, all the players that were present. We've had discussions with the police.

"I wanted to see the CCTV viewing of it but for legal reasons I wasn't able to do that. But I'm satisfied now that I'm aufait with what happened.

"One or two of the players had more drink than was good for them. We condemn that out of hand. There's no doubt about that.

"The truth of the matter is one of them was escorted out, one of them became aggressive outside but nothing more than a bit of banter. I think it has been blown up out of all proportion. There was no physical damage to any property. There was no theft. We've heard all sorts of stories - punches being thrown.

"We did have one player who put a claim in of assult. A number of players went around the police station to make statements about it. Following our discussions it was decided that that player should withdraw the complaint of assult. It wasn't involving any other players and no players were involved in any other incident in regards to any physical activity with anybody else.

"It's unfortunate. We've condemned the over-exuberance. It is sometimes highlighted and made more of because of the position we find ourselves in. I'm sure if we had been in the top three then people would have been buying them drinks rather than condemning them.

"We've got to the bottom of it. We have taken the necessary action. I sometimes think when it has attracted the sort of publicity it has done we now close ranks. We battern down the hatches. We make sure we are in it together. The people who have instigated any problems for the club have been told and any disciplinary action necessary has been taken.

"I feel now we need to just close the case, battern down the hatches and get back to work.

"I have taken steps to make JD's, the Hop Pole and the Littern Tree off limits for players. I understand there is an association that deals with different licensed premesis and they are going to have a meeting to see whether players are going to be banned.

"I've taken steps of informing certain newspapers of making sure they are accurate because what it does it implies guilt by association for everybody in the club, all the playing staff, and that wasn't the case. I think people have got to be very wary when they start printing stories about Hereford United squad or Hereford team because it implies everybody and they've got to be more accurate than that.

"There was probably a problem with a couple of them. The others were a bit bosterous. They are young men, we hadn't got a game for ten days and they had gone out to celebrate a birthday.

"We condemn if they had more than is good for them that is not what we want. They went out as a group and there were quite a number who didn't go out. So I feel they should not have their names blackened by association.

"As far as I'm concerned now we had discussions with the police. The matter is now firmly closed. Taken action whatever I feel was necessary. It was a week ago we hadn't got a game for ten days so now it making sure we firmly concentrate on the Colchester game."