An application for planning permission for a new road connecting Edgar Street to Commercial Road including Barrs Court Road, Blackfriars Street, Canal Road, and Newtown Road has been made to Herefordshire Council by ESG (Edgar Street Grid Ltd)
The new road (click to enlarge plan) is to pass through the northern end of the Merton Meadow car park which is next to Hereford United's Football Ground.
The description of the application is as follows: Demolition of existing buildings and construction of new highway, cycleway, drainage, landscaping and associated works between the A49 (T) Edgar Street A465 Commercial Road, Hereford along with a new road link to unclassified road 80332 Blackfriars Street.
Bulidings to be demolished, or partly demolished, to make way for this new road include Jewsons, Rockfield DIY, Barrs Court Trading Estate, BP Garage, Arrow Plant, Ron Smith Mowers, Hereford Bolier Servies and Smith's News.
ESG say that The Link Road is needed as a further element of enabling infrastructure to address issues of access and severance. The Road will enable significant volumes of traffic to be taken from Newmarket and Blueschool Streets, thereby enabling these streets to be much improved for pedestrians and so allowing the new development to the north to be seamlessly incorporated into the expanded city centre. The Road will also enable access to be provided to development parcels in the north of the ESG area.
Any comments on the plans should be with Herefordshire Council by 27th January 2010.
The cost of the scheme, if approved, has not been made public.