Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Third HUISA Newsletter from 1997

Continuing BN's look back at what was going on around Edgar Street at the start of the Conference era, here's HUISA's third newsletter from the summer of 1997.

Welcome to the latest HUISA newsletter. A short introduction this time in order to fit everything onto the page!!

The latest liaison committee meeting with Graham Turner took place at Edgar Street on 30th July. The following news/views and other rubbish were discussed, whilst my kids played outside on the hallowed turf!!

Player Update:

Hargreaves - Barnet and it seems a host of other clubs who have obviously not seen him play regularly appear to be interested. GT has talked of a "clear" fee of �k, which if WBA insist on their 50% could mean a club forking out �k for him. at about �.5k per goal the boy seems a bit of a bargain doesn't he? I hope he goes to Cardiff for obvious reasons.

Cook and Warner are still on week to week terms and there's still no interest from other clubs. I've just seen both play against Westfields and would suggest that they apply to the Vatican, as they both appear to have a better chance of being the next Pope, than getting another club interested in them! GT has said that the ball is in their court now, I bet they fucking lose it!!

Charles West the keeper who made an impressive debut against Gloucester, is being considered for a contract, as cover for Macca's back and DeBont's stomach. Leyster (ex Hull YT) and Kelly (ex Huddersfield) are "unlikely" to be offered contracts at this stage. Patterson has gone to Kingstonian (now managed by Geoff "Woking" Chapple), who offered him a wad of cash apparently. He looked far to much like Hargreaves for my liking anyway.

The Grayson fee is �k, to be paid in � instalments over 18 months. GT is as amazed as we are, that the Chairman actually agreed to pay a fee for someone! He is also after a striker called Linton Brown from Swansea (who previously paid �k to get him from Hull). Brown is a friend of Norts (who is now the Club's chief scout it seems) who reckons with him, Agana and Grayson up front, we'd have the most "awesome" (his word not mine) strike force in the Conference. Brown is available, as he's fallen out with Molby for not being fat enough and refusing to speak in a Scouse accent!

GT doesn't think that Williams will get a long term contract at Walsall. The man has gone there for less money and for a one month trial, when the Bulls offered him a 12 month contract. He is unlikely to win businessman of the year award! GT says that Williams has "burnt his bridges" with the Bulls, so don't expect to see him back (unless its driving the team bus, like at Carlisle last year).

Ian Rodgerson who has still looked the business, in pre-season, is expected to sign a 12 month contract any day now!

Current squad is: DeBont, Mackenzie (non-contract), West (probable), Norts, Matthewson, Brough, Walker, Rodgerson (almost definite) Fishlock, Pitman, Mahon, McGorry, Hargreaves (sort of), Ian Foster, Jordan, Grayson and Agana. Plus Cook and Warner. And Brown as a possible. Not surprisingly GT expects to go a little over budget and is looking to gate receipts to make up the difference. Bring a friend therefore!!

COMMERCIAL MANAGER: John Pulling has been given notice and will leave his post on 17th August. The Club are advertising for a young and thrusting replacement. In some respects I am sorry to see John go, as his heart has always been in the Club. It cannot be disputed however, that the Commercial side of the Club has not achieved anything like its true potential.

FANS FORUM: The boy Graham has done good and has persuaded Peter Hill (our beloved Chairman, in case you had forgotten) to attend a Fans Forum on WEDNESDAY 13thAUGUST, 7.30pm start. (Mission Impossible - pah!). He will probably by accompanied by the rest of the Board (not too many chairs required at the front therefore). Questions to me please. Tomatoes to be left at home!

HUISA MEMBERS MEETING: Even more impressive than the FF, if the fact that we have a date and location for the inaugural (first ever that means Job) meeting of HUISA. Thanks to the efforts of Mike Worthing, it will take place at the Richmond Place Club, (just across Edgar Street, from the ground) on 16thAugust, with a 12.00pm start. The meeting will last no more than 1 - 2 hours, if that long, so we will be able to get to the Welling game in plenty of time. The agenda is open (let me know if you have any burning issues), but it is intended to discuss, the structure of HUISA, its future policy/direction, minimum height and sex requirements for members blah blah blah blah. Please note that this is a MEMBERS ONLY MEETING, although new members will be able to join on the day. Oh yes and we will be able to drink at Club prices which are about 60p per pint, cheaper than local pubs! I take it Turvey that you will be attending?

GOLF DAY: Thanks to the efforts of Richard Hemmings, the HUISA Golf Day will go ahead on Thursday 25 September, at the Herefordshire Golf Club, at Wormsley. Format is as per the last Newsletter. Entry forms are available from Richard on 01432 830465. We are now particularly looking for Hole Sponsorship (available at a minimum of � a go) and some volunteers to help on the day. Please contact me or Richard if you can help. All profits will go to the Hereford United Supporters Fund.

AWAY TRAVEL: The Club has agreed to give us its backing and full publicity to away travel, for the coming season. They, like HUISA, now recognise the importance of support at away grounds. The transport which will be guaranteed, for every away game for the coming season, we be arranged by Gary "Tango" Smith, but can be booked at the Club Shop (or should that be the Leisure ZZZZZone?). Payment will be required in advance however, to avoid the situation which saw Gary having to pay several hundred pounds from his own pocket, when people failed to turn up last season. Gary will provide fuller details at the Members Meeting, for which he is to be congratulated, for turning up two weeks early!! All profit from the away travel, will again go to the Supporters Fund.

DOVER TRIP: Whilst on the subject to away travel, interest has been expressed in a trip to coincide with our "attractive" fixture away at Dover Athletic on 29th December. Basically the idea revolves around getting rat-arsed on a ferry to France after watching the game, sleeping it off in a cheap hotel and possibly a days racing/shopping/throwing up on the 30th. If you might be interested, please contact me for details.

XMAS DINNER/DANCE: HUISA plan to hold a dinner dance at Christmas, first as a fund raising event and second as an excuse to get seriously drunk. The provisional date for your diary is 13th December, which is the day we play Hednesford at home and go top of the table. Location will be somewhere in Hereford, with this and the cost of the tickets to be confirmed. GT has agreed to come along and give a speech and present the raffle prizes. We will also try to get one or two other famous ex-Bulls along for the night. Donations for the raffle would be most welcome, we already have 2 of the Brighton shirts (many thanks to Mr/Mrs Pobiega and Mr Williams) and will include the signed Match Ball, from the Welling game.

HUISA DONATIONS: Things have improved in this area since the issue of the last newsletter - but not by much! Our current total (as they say on Blue Peter) stands at �0, the product of donations from some 23 members. HUISA membership on the other hands stands at over 100, so it doesn't take a genius to see that there are a lot of potential "Peter Hills" out there. I was tempted to print a "list of shame" with this Newsletter, but decided against it. You may not be so lucky next time!!! Cheques made payable to the Hereford United Supporters Fund please! It is also possible to arrange standing order payments into the account for anybody who is interested in donating a few quid every month; please let me know if you would like details.

The funds raised so far will be used to sponsor Neil Grayson (did we fall lucky or wot!) for the season and the first home match against Welling. I have also asked the Club to set aside the last home game against R&D (complete with Donkey), which could of course be all important. GT has also set us a target of raising enough to allow him to take the players to Dover, the day before the game. This will cost �0+, so we will need to get our wallets out and smartish!! I hope to be able to report a surge in donations in the next Newsletter. Or are we really Welsh after all???

OPEN DAY: Despite the short notice and piss poor publicity, this was a reasonable success. Well over 200 people attended and the Club took something like �00, from the various activities, taking place. Full marks to the players, who all entered into the spirit of the day and unstintingly provided all the autographs/photos requested. I believe the plan is now to make this a regular annual event, which is to be welcomed, provided it is organised and publicised better. Oh yes and I won an autographed ball in the raffle (yessssss!!) Norts (or should it be Del Boy from now on?) has established his future career, as a market trader.

THE PITCH: The Open Day gave us the chance to take a close look at the Pitch, (despite GT's Farmer Palmer impression "Get Orff Moi Lannnd"). It is in shit order, although the players reckon it is better than last year. The lack of a professional groundsman, for the largest part of the Summer has clearly not helped.

WORCESTER CITY: HUISA has been approached about the possibility of re-instating regular games against our "popular" local rivals, perhaps for some sort of Cup on a home and away basis (and no Job that doesn't mean that Australian Soap stars would be allowed to play). Both Clubs are apparently in favour, but the Police want some assurance that there won't be pitched battles between the fans; bright ideas are welcome and perhaps this is something to be discussed at the Members Meeting.


25th July - Sloppy Town (H) 1-2 (last minute again)

27th July - Stoke City (H) 1-3 (some bad defending, but Stoke are a good side)

29th July - Gloucester City (A) 4-1 (3-1 if you are a copper) And a Scouser Hat-Trick

2nd August - Oxford United (H) 1-0 (Oxford are going to struggle, a beauty from Grayson)

4th August - Westfields (A) 0-1 (not a lot of talent on show)

6th August - Newport City (A) - TBA

9th August - Merthyr Tydfil (A) - TBA

GOAL MAGAZINE: Personally I had never heard of this magazine before, as I only read the ones on the top shelf. But they have done a short interview with yours truly, which they intend to include in a piece on Supporters Groups more generally, in their September issue. They approached HUISA, because they wanted to talk to the more "active" groups. Our fame is spreading!

DONKEY T-SHIRTS: I have spoken to Norts who reckons he can get us T-shirts with a picture of a donkey on and the words "I play for Rushden and Diamonds" or "For Sale - Apply Manager Rushden and Diamonds". If you are interested and as childish as me, let me know. There has also been some interest in a series of lettered T-shirts with the following arrangement:



on the reverse. They would look wonderful at R&D on the 11th October don't you think. 13 volunteers required. I can hear it now: STAND UP - IF YOU THINK FOSTER'S SHITE, STAND UP ETC ETC.

BULMERS: The bastards have refused to help HUISA (despite Andy Graham's efforts) or the Club, in any way at all. Drink something else therefore. We will be writing to the Hereford Times to comment on their generosity of spirit, given their recent announcement of a �.1M profit made thanks to Hereford Apples and the efforts of Herefordians. Tesco and Sainsburys supported the Open Day despite the short notice, Safeway refused!



5th August 1997 (I think)