Hereford United chairman David Keyte has given a detailed interview to the OS.
Given its importance BN has reproduced it in full :
Q. You expressed your disappointment immediately after the meeting and on BBC Hereford & Worcester. Have you had time to reflect on the meeting and your personal situation?
A. “I have always been the type of person who will say what he thinks and this can sometimes appear aggressive and I am certainly not the best at diplomacy when I believe that I am right.
I expressed my disappointment at the meeting and again to Trevor Owens on the radio. As the dust settles, I am still disappointed but accept now that we didn’t explain our proposal well enough to some people.
As regards to my personal position, I have to admit that personal abuse can be demoralising but when you realise that 85% of the people in attendance at our meeting on Monday evening were in support of the proposals I can positively say that I have no intention of stopping until the job is completed, namely to get this share issue approved; to get the ground development projects underway in order to build a sustainable future for the football club and above all to support our Manager as we put all we can into our aim of recovering our Football League status.
As there was not one single alternative suggestion put forward, and it was clear that 90% of the shareholders are with you, I am now more convinced than ever that we have tabled the right plan to secure the future of Hereford United Football Club. However, I and my Boardroom colleagues, accept that we need to revisit the presentation made to shareholders and in particular those who voted against.
Our desired outcome was to make progress on the share issue without incurring substantial upfront legal costs (est £250,000) on a full prospectus. We accept that the tabled document proposing the share issue was steeped in legal jargon but it was prepared by a specialist leading London law firm in line we believed with our aims, namely to give first option to current shareholders with, crucially, the further introduction of new investment by seeking the current shareholders permission to go outside for the sale of additional shares.
We also sought shareholders’ permission to allow outstanding loans to be converted into shares and finally to produce an updated set of Articles in line with the 2006 Act that would replace our current Articles of Association that date back to 1929.
I think we have gone a long way to achieving our aims.
Q. You say that you are pleased with the support for the proposal, why has it not gone through then?
A. Voting cards returned prior to the meeting were 22 in favour and 5 against and in the meeting 25 in favour and 5 against but the weighting of the shares was more like 70% in favour and 30% against. We have to go back to those that voted before the meeting, and the final vote will be known in the next 10 days or so.
The whole exercise has revealed that many shareholders on the register are deceased and many more are no longer at the address originally provided. As a result approx. 23,000 shares out of the original 39,670 shares were deemed eligible for the vote.
The most heartening measure was the clear support for what the Board had proposed from the majority of those present and we hope to persuade those in the minority that we are on the right tracks, accepting the fact that the presentation can be improved upon and discussed further.
Q. There has been a lot of views expressed on various websites/forums. What are your thoughts about that?
A. At one level you have to accept that everyone is entitled to their opinion but once again some of the speculation and inaccuracy expressed in what is a legal, formal domain of corporate rules/’insider knowledge’ etc. is a major concern to us.
For instance I have read that I personally will end up with 40% of the company; that our current shareholders will not be eligible to purchase shares let alone new purchasers; that the Supporters Trust can’t buy etc. etc. Inaccurate speculation can damage the Club in many ways.
We are a small business in a relatively small community but too much commercial information freely passes around or, it seems, often gets made up. It is no doubt because it is a football club and everyone feels a part of it but we must keep things in reality – but then, ‘its only banter they would say’.
Personally, if I read the Banter I try to imagine the characters who feature. For me the “Fishlock Forever” character is probably an out of work 24 year old ex-salesman, living at home because he can’t get a proper job, but who has time enough to write how the football club should be run and how everything we do is wrong. Knowing my luck though, he’s probably ex-Regiment!!
Sadly on a more serious note, I have been made aware that a leading member of the newly formed Supporters Trust Committee has texted the Chairman of HUISA stating his views , that “his sole intention is to get Keyte out and he will work tirelessly to do so” and how disappointed he was that HUISA voted in favour of the proposed shares option.
I think we begin to get a flavour of what the Supporters Trust intentions are and hope that they have a clear idea of how they intend to achieve those aims and take the football club forward. My own view remains that a strong Supporters’ voice is a good thing for the football club but whether we have the people to do it here seems open to debate on this showing.
As for the Committee Member in question I can only assume that he is not of a mind to visit the football club until his aims are achieved – he won’t be missed.
Q. Returning to the recent Shareholders’ meeting, where do we go from here?
A. As I said before, we must take encouragement from the fact the vast majority of shareholders are behind the proposal for a new shares issue. The tone of the meeting was 90% were sentimental towards the Club and in support of the Board’s proposal.
The other 10% had other agendas/views some of which are fully accepted. Most notably the concerns of shareholders who see that their percentage share would diminish through a much larger share issue.
Ironically, I personally would suffer most from this proposal but it is not possible to achieve the scale of future investment that we seek and also hang on to ‘the way it’s always been’. For the greater good of the club, dilution of the current shares is something it is impossible to avoid.
We must however discuss further an acceptable solution for current shareholders including the more appropriate value of a multiplier.
In summary, we would like to take up the very constructive suggestion made at the end of the meeting to form a small group who are willing to meet to thrash out the finer points that have put the proposal on hold.
a) I am planning to meet with a local lawyer in the next few days with a view to simplifying the proposal document, whilst not losing the appropriate and necessary legalities.
b) The above (a) will hopefully allay those concerns raised about the wording but I would also propose to invite the lawyer to the working group meeting(s).
c) We need to devise a scheme that recognises the investment made by the current shareholders together with acceptable conversion rates for any loans converted into shares. We would then bring the agreed suggestions back to a shareholders’ meeting.
d) I am writing as agreed at the meeting to all those shareholders who voted prior to the meeting and who should now have the opportunity to review their decisions following the meeting’s wish to revise the wording in Resolution 2.
I am sure we can keep working together to ultimately get the go ahead for the new share issue and welcome the thoughts and input of our shareholders to do so. If anyone would like to be a member of a small group to discuss these points please make contact with the Club office, as soon as possible.