Tuesday, July 08, 2014

An Open Letter To David Keyte

Andy H writes an open letter to David Keyte:

Dear Mr. Keyte

And so it comes to a CVA. Was this the game plan all along? Let's look at your interview on the official Hereford United site from the 9th May, in the days before the only news we got from the club was that we were not getting wound up and no one wants to play a friendly against us. You said that there were two groups of "investors", one of which was "football minded people" and that they were "in pole position". And that [The]"... investors share the same aims and objectives as the board of directors, and that is to run a football club within its means, with the ultimate goal of returning to the Football League". 

Since that date we have been relegated two divisions, few of the football creditors have been paid and today we find out from the club that we are looking at a CVA. That, at least, is better than finding it out from an official from Gray's Athletic, which is what happened when the CVA was first mooted. In the Southern League, if a club enters into a CVA, all football debts must be settled by the end of the season and all other creditors must be settled with three years. If this doesn't happen there is an automatic relegation. 

We have been told on countless occasions that football creditors have (or will be paid), and Mr. Agombar has even resorted to the "cheque's in the post, honest", trick. So, if there has been a lack of desire, or means, to settle football creditors up to this point, realistically how will that happen by the end of the season? Will the cash come from supporters, most of whom seem totally alienated by the current regime? Or will  it come through the ground development? I am shortly expecting be told by the club (and possibly by Mr. Lonsdale, who seems now to be the official organ) that by opposing the current incumbent's plans to do whatever they like with the ground, it'll be the fans fault that the club gets relegated at the end of next season. Of course, that's if we ever start next season... What a mess.

Mr. Keyte, you may think you have washed your hands of Hereford United and that none of this is your business any longer. But maybe you can help the club you claim to have been a lifelong supporter of. You are, I am sure, one of the larger creditors of the company, perhaps even above 25%. Since 75% of creditors need to agree to a CVA you can help block it. 

There are two choices. If you go along with the CVA, that suggests you tacitly approve of what the current regime has achieved in the last 6 weeks and that you back their plans and expect, at some point, to get your "investment" back. Or, you could chose, belatedly, to side with the supporters and block the CVA. This, I think, would ultimately lead to liquidation and you would get nothing back on your "investment".

So, Mr. Keyte, although you are gone, it still seems like you hold the destiny of the club in your hands. Will you help the club, or will you help to twist the knife?


Andy H