Herefordshire Council have outlined the proposals for the Edgar Street Grid Developement as they stand at present. They have also answered a few questions relating to the Edgar Street ground.
Summary of Edgar Street Grid Regeneration Proposals
Herefordshire Council and Advantage West Midlands have jointly commissioned a masterplanning exercise to inform the redevelopment of the Edgar Street Grid site in Hereford. The 43 hectare (100 acre) Edgar Street Grid site immediately to the north of the existing city centre offers a strategic once in a lifetime opportunity to ensure that Hereford continues to fulfil its role as a sub regional employment and service centre.
The comprehensive regeneration of the Edgar Street Grid will stimulate considerable long term economic benefits and community improvements for the area. The proposals include a new road, the introduction of a new canal basin and a range of public realm improvements. The delivery of the masterplan proposals will produce a wide range of enhanced economic activity and private sector investment including
600 new homes
26,000 sq m new office space
9,000 sq m retail/leisure space
6,000 sq m mixed use development
£115 million + Private Investment potential
4,000 new permanent jobs
120 temporary construction jobs
The Council and Advantage West Midlands are currently working together to establish a Joint Venture Company to oversee the development process. The Joint Venture Company will be in place in the first half of 2005 and for the next step will be to procure private sector development partners.
The Council were then asked to respond to a few questions concerning the Edgar Street Ground.
Questions and Answers
1 - Have negotiations about the lease started and if so who with?
There have not yet been any detailed negotiations regarding the lease for the Hereford United Football Club ground. There have been discussions regarding the Edgar Street Grid and the masterplan for the area. It is anticipated that there may be some discussions around the lease later this year.
2 - Are Formsole still the first leaseholders? If so, can you reveal who you deal with at that company?
Formsole are still the lessees, all discussions, up until now, have been held with a representative from Richardson Developments Ltd.
3 - Do you feel that the football ground will ever move from its present position?
No, not in the foreseeable future. but that is based on the current level on knowledge. The re-orientation and re-development of the football ground is a long-term aspiration of the Edgar Street Grid regeneration proposals. While at the current time there is no certainty that the proposals will be implemented, the masterplan provides a development framework should the proposals be taken forward. The masterplan has been adopted by the Council and has been incorporated into the second deposit draft of the Unitary Development Plan.
4 - As the Council gave the club planning permission for an extension to the dressing rooms, would they give planning permission for other improvements to the ground?
(In particular for the Meadow End where improvements to the toilets and catering area are badly needed.)
Each planning application is considered on its own merits in accordance with planning policies, procedure and protocols. Minor applications of the type referred to are, however, likely to be considered as acceptable. All applications will also need to be considered against their implications for the delivery of the Edgar Street Grid regeneration masterplan. It is recommended that any development proposals are sent in to the Planning Service for informal consideration before any formal applications are submitted.
5 - Would the Council ever consider selling the freehold to football supporters, with obvious restrictions that it must be used for football? If this was done we understand that it might be easier to obtain grants for improvements etc.
It is unlikely that the Council would consider selling its interest in the ground.
Bulls News would like to thank the Chairman of the Council, Roger Phillips, and his staff for their help with the above article.