Monday, August 08, 2005

Club future looks secure says Turner

The future of Hereford United looks more secure now than it has for some years says Graham Turner.

Speaking at this evening's Fans forum, the Hereford United manager told the eighty or so supporters present about the position of the leases.

"We've been to see the council over the leases. The application for the extension of the leases has to be made by the Richardsons as the tenants. We're sub-tenants so we are in the hands of the Richardsons.

"The council are very pro us having an extension. We can't get any grants until we get that extension. We can't get into the Football League until that extension, so there is a certain urgency about it.

"We're in a position now where we have got to work with the council and the Richardsons to get what we want out of this. I've enlisted the help of a friend of mine, an architect who did Molineux and the Reading stadium. He is going to look after anything we need if, for instance, the Richardsons wanted a cinema or something similar behind the goal, then our man will make sure that we get the adequate number of turnstiles, toliets, canteens, all those sorts of things, as well as the amount of terracing we want.

"It is a bit complicated, the line of vision etc and it needs somebody on your side to go through all that. We got him there to help us.

"And we've got to work with the other two parties. But I also know we've got a lot of strength behind us and that is what is in this room, that's what was on the pitch yesterday.

"I think public opinion can have a big influence on the council. And we have to use that public opinion when the time is right.

"There is no conflict at the moment. We owe a million pounds to the developers and there is scope to get that million pounds paid off in developement as long as it suits us.

"The big issue now is the floodlights. That is a priority as they barely meet the criteria of the Football Conference let alone the Football League.

"So we've had three estimates for doing the floodlights. You're probably talking of £50k to replace all the bulbs. Now it's no good replacing the bulbs if in two years time the pylons themselves are going to be replaced. So we're asking for quotes for a couple of new pylons as well as the bulbs.

"It's all a bit drawn out. I think we're progressing fairly nicely. It takes a long time and it's got to be set in stone when the council finally decide what's going to go on with the Edgar Street grid square.

"Then they will ask for partners to go in with them. And the Richardsons want to be one of those partners. As big developers they think they have a foothold in the whole area but the council have got to be seen for it to go out to tender, to talk to all potential developers.

"And I think we will get what we want of it. I think we will get, eventually, two nice new ends. They will get what they want out of it. The million pound will be written off. We'll get a hundred year lease. We'll get new floodlight pylons. We'll be in the Football League and I'll have the freedom of the city!"