Graham Turner, the Hereford United manager, was said to have agreed with the postponement of last Saturdays game at Chester.
Had the game gone ahead it would have been played on a very heavy pitch which might not have suited Hereford's style of play.
Chester City secretary Tony Allan told the Cheshire press: "It's a shame that the game was postponed, because the ground staff had been here since 6.30am and of course we invested a lot of money for pitch coverings as well, but unfortunately the weather has conspired to defeat us."
Whilst dates for the game are available in March, Allan thinks the game might be played in April.
"The police and the safety committee requested the noon kick-off, so presumably we will now have to re-schedule the match on a midweek date in April, when the lighter evenings are with us."
Meanwhile the Hereford United official website has confirmed the article on Bulls News last Friday about a reserve match against Wolverhampton taking place tomorrow.