The Vice President's Club formally lost it's independence last night, with the deal having already been done in private five weeks ago.
The Treasurers report, made available at the start of the meeting and showing another increased donation to the football club, made ominous reading: 'the club was taken over by the football club as from 31st May' with all monies and property already transferred, and the AGM last night appeared to be nothing more than a formality for the forty people present including Board members Graham Turner, Joan Fennessey, and Grenville Smith.
Special thanks were offered to Treasurer Tony Cole, the one and only Treasurer of the club throughout it's 37 year history, with Turner stating that the football club would like to honour his service with a presentation at a later date.
When questioned about the legality of taking control of the VP Club without a vote of members Graham Turner stated that the VP Club had not been adhereing to it's constitution anyway and suggested that, if the VP Club wished to adhere to its constitution then certain perks - which were not directly detailed in the constitution - could be withdrawn.
Turner appeared to be a little weary of further problems after a difficult week with the ground issues, but still shared jokes and banter with the majority of the crowd including one man who identified himself as having helped lay the concrete at the Blackfriars End - leaving Turner to muse whether the club could claim compensation from him!
After a point was raised about the fees for the coming season, Turner acknowledged that they had used the wrong figure of £550 for last season and would discount 10% from the actual figure of £525.