Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Start of the Save The Bulls Fund

This evening Hereford United's AGM is taking place. Shareholders will be told that the club is now out of debt, doesn't owe developers anything and once again holds the first and only lease on Edgar Street.

What a difference from nearly ten years ago when the 'Save The Bulls Fund' was launched to raise money for Hereford United at a time when the club was in a desperate financial state. BN takes a look back at its aims and its first year in operation.

Details and Rules Of Entry

The Save The Bulls Fund has been set up after an idea to raise money for Hereford United FC was put forward on the clubs official website by a supporter, this followed several supporters enquiries asking for ways to donate to the club during the present difficult times.

The idea is that United fans can donate an amount of their choosing to the Save The Bulls Fund once a month, this is done by filling in a Standing Order Mandate Form and presenting it to your bank. For every £1 donated you will receive 1 entry into a monthly draw to take place before a home match during the season and at the club office during close season (i.e. £20 = 20 entries, £2 = 2 entries). The draw will be made by an independent person chosen by the club.

The winner of the draw shall receive 20% of the total amount paid into the fund the previous month (£500 paid into fund = £100 for the winner of the draw). All profits made on this scheme will go straight to Hereford United Football Club.

A list of entrants for any given month will be made available in the club office, this facility is for entrants to check that they are actually entered if they should wish to (ID required).

Standing Order Mandates for this scheme are available at the club shop, at the main club office and on this page. Hopefully they will also be handed out on the turnstiles at a game in the near future.

The first draw will take place at the beginning of April. Winners of the draw will be announced as the draw takes place, on this website and in the following match programme. Please note that if you require notification of a win in the draw personally (by phone or letter) then please make these details available to the club by mail and address it to The Save the Bulls Fund.

The club would like to thank all our fans taking part in this scheme, your support and help is greatly appreciated. Stay United!

(BN can't trace the first winner of the Fund - should anyone remenber please let us know - update - The first winner was Chris Smith of Netsounds.)

Friday 11th May 2001 - Second Winner!

The second draw of The Save The Bulls Fund took place on Friday 11th May at the HUFC Boardroom and the winning number was drawn by Director of Football Graham Turner.

The winning number was 101 and that number was owned this month by WOOLWICH 278892603, he or she wins £66.40 which can collected at the main club office (please bring ID).

A big thank you to all of you that take part in the scheme, it is really taking off now and we are pleased to say that the amount being paid in monthly to the scheme has risen by £85 last month to a very nice £332, and the total raised so far is £1,105.45. As you can imagine having this regular income coming in monthly is a great help to United and the scheme can only grow stronger as time goes on. Please mention the scheme to fellow HUFC fans and encourage them to join it, and remind them that they can win some cash too!

Friday 15th June - Third Draw Winner

Congratulations to R Smith who has become the third winner of the Save The Bulls Fund draw, he wins £76.60. Mr/Mrs Smith can pick up his/her winnings at the club office at Blackfriars Street (Please take along ID). Thanks to all for your support of the fund. Details and Mandate forms are available on the Fund Raising section of this website.

Friday 15th June - Fund Grows

Thanks again to all of our fans that support the fund, it has grown to a creditable £383 a month now and we are expecting this amount to grow even more once the new season gets underway.

Thursday 18th July - Fourth Draw Winner

The fourth winner of the Save The Bulls Fund is RJB Ferguson whos winning number was drawn out by Director Of Football Graham Turner, he wins a nice £82.00 which can be claimed at the club office, Blackfriars Street (Please take ID).

Yet again we saw an increase of donations to the fund, it now stands at £410.00 a month. Thanks to you all. Apologies for the late draw this month, the bank made a slight error which had to be rectified before we could do the draw.

Sunday 19th August - July Draw Winner

The July Winner is RJ Lawrence who picks up a tidy 76.20. Well done to Mr/Mrs Lawrence and thanks for your support.

Saturday 22nd September - August Draw Winner

The latest winner of the Save The Bulls Fund Draw is KJ Devereux and he/she wins £79.20. The winning number was drawn by Nicky White of the liasion committee.

Saturday 13th October - September Draw Winner

The winning number was drawn by club Director Joan Fennesey and she pulled out number 220 which was one of Graham Johnson's numbers. He wins £73.20, congratulations, and as always a big thankyou for your continued support.

23rd October

Brookside Versus Hollyoaks At Edgar Street!

A charity match featuring some of the casts from Hollyoaks and Brookside will be taking place at Edgar Street on November 18th. The match will be hosted by Local radio station, Radio Wyvern. The proceeds will go to The Save The Bulls Fund (The amount raised will not be included in the amount for the prize money for that months draw). Entry to the match will be £3 for Adults and £1 for Children. Many thanks to Radio Wyvern for there sponsorship of this event.

26th November

October Draw Winner

Our winner for October is D.Powell, he or she wins £73.20. Congratulations.

15th December

November Draw Winner

Congratulations to N R Preece for becoming the November winner of the Save The Bulls Fund Draw.

1st February


A meeting of people interested in helping to promote the Save The Bulls Fund will be held in the near future, help could be in the form of handing out leaflets at matches, coming up with ideas for promoting the fund and possibly helping run the Fund in the future. If you are interested in attending the meeting then please e-mail Mark Farmer at and he will let you know when the meeting will take place and where.

February 1st:

December Draw Winner

Congratulations to Graham Johnson who is the winner of the draw for December. He wins a grand total of £74.80.

Many apologies for the lateness of the draw for December, this was a combination of a late statement from the bank and a little bit of laziness on our part! We will endevour to get the draw for January done within the next week..... honest!