Today’s meeting of Cabinet at Herefordshire Council gave the green light for minor changes to the agreement which will unlock the £90 million regeneration of Hereford’s former livestock market.
Herefordshire Council’s cabinet was asked to give its final stamp of approval to a deal which will pave the way for work on the £90 million regeneration of the Old Market site which is opposite the Edgar Street football ground.
The development includes two new open streets, a public square, 600 new parking spaces, restaurants and a six-screen cinema.
Once the principal building contractor has been appointed, tenders will go out for trade packages worth around £45 million as well as packages of work to fit out each of the retail and catering units once they are let. Local firms will be encouraged to tender for much of this work.
Plans are well advanced for the promotion of a series of training courses for people wishing to work in the 1,000 retail, catering and hospitality jobs created once the development opens.
Several councillors refused to take in the part of the meeting which approved the deal.