Three directors of Torquay United have quit the club and issued a letter demanding the removal of chairman Chris Roberts.
The trio, the only remaining directors from the previous chairman's reign, had set a deadline of noon today for Roberts to go, else they would quit themselves. A statement appeared late last night on the official Torquay site, edited several times, 'accepting' the trio's resignation and offering to hand the club over to fans once the club had move stadium.
The news comes as former chairman Mike Bateson, still officially the club's major shareholder, admitted that recent talks with Roberts had centered on his position: "I had a long face-to-face meeting with Chris Roberts yesterday and Chris accepts that his position is becoming untenable. We are working towards an agreement that will enable Chris to leave the club, at which point I would resume control. This coincides with the separate action taken by the three directors which, of course, they are quite entitled to take."
It was also revealed that one of Roberts' own appointees, Joe Giordano, had also quit the board last week.